What are we doing as a Practice to be more sustainable?


Our key areas of focus for sustainability are:

  • Improving our energy efficiencygreen-impact-logo
  • Implementing our lighting responsibility plan
  • Reducing our use of paper
  • Supporting health and wellbeing
  • Reducing waste

Here are some examples of work we are undertaking on these key areas:

Improving our energy efficiency

  • We ensure temperatures are regulated in the building
  • Radiators are turned down where possible 
  • Equipment is turned off at the end of each day 
  • Lights are turned off when not in use
  • Use of water heaters for making tea and coffee, instead of kettles 

Lighting plan

  • Staff responsible for closing building at the end of the day undertake a building sweep to ensure all area lighting is turned offgold
  • All light switches labelled 

Reducing waste

  • Clearly labelled bins in clinic rooms for domestic / confidential / sharps / clinical waste
  • Reducing use of paper 
  • Setting photocopiers to print double sided by default
  • Patient communication uses paperless systems where possible

Health and Wellbeing

  • Promoting workplace health and wellbeing
  • Communal healthy lucnhes 
  • Raising awareness  about Faitrade, by supporting Fairtrade Fortnight