Practice Team

Practice Management

Mrs Helen Sutton (f)
Business Manager

Miss Clare Abbatt (f)
Practice Manager

Ms Monika Carlin (f)
HR Manager 

Mrs Jenna Goodwin (f)
Quality Manager

Miss Claire Sears (f)
Operations Manager

Miss Ann Marie Burns (f)
Governance Officer

Mrs Michelle Stone (f)
Customer Services Manager

Nurse Rachel Bain (f)
Senior Nurse

Miss Steph Scarlett (f)
Ophthalmology Services Manager 

Mrs Gemma Sanderson (f)
Finance Lead

Miss Hannah Johns (f)
DIspensing and Prescribing Supervisor

Health Professionals 

Crystal Ugwuegbu - Clinical Pharmacist (f)

Lucy Shaw - PCN Pharmacy Technician (f)

Eileen Fofung - PCN Pharmacy Technician

What is a GP Registrar? 

A GP Registrar or GP trainee is a qualified doctor who is training to become a GP through a period of working and training in a practice. They will usually have spent at least two years working in a hospital before you see them in a practice and are closely supervised by a senior GP or trainer.

During their final year the GP Registrar will work 4 days per week at the Surgery.  They will see patients independently (with support from their trainer).  They start with longer appointments at the beginning of their year (August) gradually reduce their appointment time until they are confident with the standard 10 minute appointment slots.

If you are offered an appointment with one of the trainess we always ensure there is a more senior member of staff providing care and support. If you would prefer not to be seen by them, please tell a receptionist. 

We believe it is important that we take part in training new doctors and nurses and hope that you will support us in this. 

GP Registrar

Dr Shiela Magnaye

What is a Care Navigator?

The aim of the Care Navigator role is to make the patient’s interaction with the practice better, with improved efficiency of outcome.  Importantly, it is aimed at better using our resources, moving work that can be done by Care Navigators way from Clinicians, who will then be freed up to see patients who need their expertise. This will include things such as liaising with the Neighbourhood Care Team, co-ordinating palliative care patients, offering advice to patients regarding Age Concern and such like, advising regarding the podiatry home care services, referrals for wheelchairs, OT and orthotics, arranging exercise referrals, facilitating sick notes; and chasing blood test results and hospital appointments.

  • Mrs Krystal Hoare (f)
  • Mrs Kelly Bergin (f)
  • Mrs Kerry Dickinson (f)
  • Miss Kayley Tilbrook (f)
  • Mrs Anita Allen (f)


  • Mrs Charlotte Crane (f)
  • Mrs Tess Dale (f)
  • Miss Jasmine Sturgis (f)